Wrote this yesterday to my followers on Whatsapp and other social media platform excluding Facebook. Not because I don't care about the incident on ground or I am afraid to participate. The fact was, I procrastinate. Please this is my opinion about the ongoing campaign by the youths of this nation to bring an end to the injustice going on in the country by the NPF and its subordinates. I strongly think #ENDSARS campaign is a right call for peace to reign in this country. Government need to stop giving sword to those who could swing it uncontrollably anyhow they like to without any regards to those who could get hurt as a result of their actions. One major reality we all must hold fast to our heart, "Life of an average Nigerian matters a lot. We should all do the necessary to protect ourselves and properties. This is not the time to point fingers, but to bring sanity to the minds of the insaned, light to the heart of dark-hearted beings amongst us. It is time about time we pray for self consciousness and human feelings to the heart of those devoid of human feelings and consciousness to discern evil from good. As more Nigerian youths are clamoring for their rights to government decision-making, my prayer is, almighty God will touch the heart of those who had, or might have lost fiends and relatives in relation to incidents like of this higher magnitude. I pray that Hod will touch the government to make informed decisions about the demand of the people and that the people would accept with calmness of heart whatever the outcome of the decisions made are. And that, at the end of the day, Nigeria will rise up once again in one voice and one according and each and every young man and adults in this country would be proud of this great country more and more. God bless my country really great, God bless Nigeria. #OD

Теги: Nigeria ENDSARS protest

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